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To be insightful means to intuitively grasp things - an "aha!" moment!

About Me

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I am a member of the church of Christ. I have been writing things since I was little. Some have been printed, some posted. I write to teach or encourage; to blow off steam; and for fun! I had my own motorcycle in my 40s; I was a bluegrass music DJ for about 13 years; I've performed some. I am a member of the NRA. In 2003 (age 59), I became high partial legally blind; in 2005, I had to get hearing aids! Franklin Field said: "Poor eyes limit your sight; poor vision limits your deeds". And no kidding, the picture was made April, 2012!

Monday, September 18, 2017



No more wheelbarrow's-full
Of limbs up to the street.
I'm pleased I got it done,
But wow! I sure am beat!

No more pushing wheelbarrows.
I thought I still was strong.
Even empty, it was heavy.
The driveway seemed so long.

A wheelbarrow is so handy,
Easily used in heat or cold.
But now I've learned my lesson.
I don't like to admit I'm old!

I'm glad I have a wheelbarrow.
Cleared leaf and limb and log.
I should have quit much sooner.
My mind's now in a fog.

No fault of the wheelbarrow,
But I did too much, I know.
I've always been independent.
Hard to admit I'm getting slow.

After using the wheelbarrow in August,
I was really hurting a lot.
Walking, breathing, coughing ...
Now pneumonia's what I've got.

Maybe a gardener will use a wheelbarrow ...
Working at a steady pace.
I'll leave such chores to a strong man.
Maybe there's one at the rehab place.

Maybe a wheelbarrow can be symbolic ...
Tripod base, the godhead three.
And I am carried and supported
From now to eternity.

Written by Netagene, with love, September 17, 2017, as if Eunice Davis, age 93, was speaking. This is actually what happened. She pushed 3+ loads of limbs, etc., from the far back of her lot, up through the grass and driveway, to the street, for trash pickup. Her lot is steep and slopes down. The limbs had fallen during a storm, then had been rained on. They were heavy ... and heavier because of being damp. She hurt so badly she could barely move a couple of days later, especially her right leg, such that she was unable to drive. That gradually improved some so that she was back to driving some. Then a few days later, she started running a fever and was coughing, so she went to the doctor. He had her immediately check herself into the hospital. That was Friday, September 8. A few days later, she was moved to SICU ... then back to a regular room ... and on ... to a nursing home for rehab ...

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