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To be insightful means to intuitively grasp things - an "aha!" moment!

About Me

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I am a member of the church of Christ. I have been writing things since I was little. Some have been printed, some posted. I write to teach or encourage; to blow off steam; and for fun! I had my own motorcycle in my 40s; I was a bluegrass music DJ for about 13 years; I've performed some. I am a member of the NRA. In 2003 (age 59), I became high partial legally blind; in 2005, I had to get hearing aids! Franklin Field said: "Poor eyes limit your sight; poor vision limits your deeds". And no kidding, the picture was made April, 2012!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Growing Old and Going Crazy

“Growing old and going crazy” –
Something most of us have heard.
Old wives’ tale, I guess that that is –
Maybe real, more likely – absurd.

Some die young, but most grow older.
We’re not promised how long our life.
Each of us will face some problems –
Many good times, sometimes strife.

Sometimes “crazy” is simply meanness.
Aging’s not the problem here.
Bound up in bad is some folks’ habits.
Like dirt, it’s sin that some will wear.

Some act crazy, silly, pompous – 
Nothing that has to do with age.
A crazy rant might be emoting.
The actor might be quite a sage.

Be godly, gracious. Don’t become grouchy.
It’s possible, whether young or old.
Yes, it takes work but I can do it
I aim – and live in the Good Shepherd’s fold.

- by Netagene. I wrote this in a few minutes the evening of April 23, 2013, during worship (shame on me!), using a couple of lines I had scribbled, said by preacher David Holder, during another of his sermons, at the Huffman church of Christ, Birmingham, Alabama. David is from Nashville but has lived and preached for the Castleberry church in Fort Worth, Texas, for years.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I'm looking for a rainbow
during a raging storm's lull.
The sun's behind the clouds now.
The sky's overcast and dull.
The air is whispery, eerie calm.
following after blowing wind.
Only pitter-patter droplets
where downpour just has been.

I'm still looking for a rainbow,
but more dark clouds are moving in.
Listen! Distant thunder!
The stillness becomes wind.
Even though it's only mid-day,
street lights are coming on.
School buses are running early,
bringing children safely home.

The clock says it is day-time,
but the sky's near black again.
The storm's calm eye's passed over.
Here comes more howling wind.
Whether weather, whether life,
I prefer the calm, the sun,
but it take rain to make a rainbow,
and Heaven waits when this life's done.

- by Netagene. I wrote that on this day, in about 30 minutes, while sitting on my porch during the storm. Prayers going to people in other areas in a few other states, which got the brunt of the eastward moving storm. There were a few deaths and a good bit of destruction in some places.
