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To be insightful means to intuitively grasp things - an "aha!" moment!

About Me

My photo
I am a member of the church of Christ. I have been writing things since I was little. Some have been printed, some posted. I write to teach or encourage; to blow off steam; and for fun! I had my own motorcycle in my 40s; I was a bluegrass music DJ for about 13 years; I've performed some. I am a member of the NRA. In 2003 (age 59), I became high partial legally blind; in 2005, I had to get hearing aids! Franklin Field said: "Poor eyes limit your sight; poor vision limits your deeds". And no kidding, the picture was made April, 2012!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sing Me Home

When I am close to dying,
don't put me in a dark room.
Open the curtains to creation –
God's sun or the light of the moon.

Though temporary, while I'm alive,
don't hide me away from my friends.
Let me talk on the phone to the callers.
If visitors, let them come in.

I know that God made music.
I really want to hear
the songs and psalms of the Bible.
Sing them loud and clear.

If the nurses and doctors don't like it,
I'm telling you now really straight:
I want phone calls and visits and music
while I'm alive, not when it's too late.

So when I'm about to cross over,
don't hide me away, all alone.
Hold my hands and pray and love me, and
Sing me home.

- by Netagene. I wrote this in about 15 minutes on September 25, 2011. I found it today. Mother had passed from this life on August 11, 2011. -

Monday, March 18, 2013


... or "Extreme Places" ...

Tourism is rising in Antarctica,
That's NOT where I want to go.
Heaven's MY "tourist" attraction,
I'm working on that while below.

No trips to Mount Everest or the Dead Sea –
No trips to the highest or lowest.
No trips to Death Valley or Antarctica –
No trips to the hottest or coldest.

God made me to live somewhere better,
not this alien land called the earth.
I'm working my way to LIVE there,
ever since I had my new birth!

My house down here's on solid land –
No sinkholes I can see,.
I'm pressing on to higher ground, where
God's preparing a mansion for me!

I won't have some step-on-the-bus guide person.
My guide will be much better than that.
My guide on my flight will be God's messenger –
an angel to God's "Welcome" mat!

Might as well spend your money here, traveling –
Can't take it with you when you're not here!
My treasures – laid up forever in Heaven –
With God and all things lovely and dear!

- by Netagene, March 16 and 17, 2013 -

A friend sent me a link about tourism in Antarctica, having had a brain burp and thinking Antarctica rather than Alaska for my hoped-for upcoming trip. But she got me to thinking, and I wrote back to her: "I SURE don't want to go to Antarctica! I also don't want to go to Mount Everest, etc., nor to Death Valley - solid land, not the highest or lowest ... or hottest or coldest!" 

I looked on line and found another place which is higher than Everest, depending if you measure from sea level or from where. And there are other places about as cold as Antarctica – a couple places in Russia, Greenland, and Canada. And I know –  but haven't looked this up recently, that there's a trench in the Indian Ocean or some such, that is as deep below sea level as Everest is as high ABOVE sea level - also somewhere I don't want to go!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Food Poem


I like beef and potatoes,
chicken and pasta, too.
I've learned what foods that I can eat
to stay awake, or to sleep the night through.

Caffeine is a stimulant.
It really gets me wired.
I wish there was an ''off'' switch.
Can't stop though my body is tired.

I fade in a carbohydrate coma,
thanks to some good ol' mac' and cheese.
Just a bowlful, and I'd fall over
From a weather or a real light breeze.

Most of the time I am careful
of what and when I eat through the day,
but some foods are so very tempting 
That it's hard to turn them away.

So no carbs for me in the morning ...
No caffeine for me after lunch.
I've learned what foods I can eat when
I want to doze or when I need a punch.

And here where I am living -
in the good ol' U.S. of A.,
I have more than my share of good things.
I am so very blessed today.

- by Netagene Kirkpatrick, March 10 & 11, 2013.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


The weather is hot, and then it is cold.
The day is too bright. The night’s a black hole.

From Abel and Cain, from good and from bad,
today's children often make their parents sad.

Couples pout or fight. Some part. Some thrive.
Follow Satan or God. Give up or survive.

The political scene ... the people rage.
Some are kind. Some are cruel.
Some are dumb. Some are sage.

So the world’s gone crazy? It’s always been this way.
From Adam and Eve until today.

Some wring their hands and whine and moan,
but I know I am not alone.
Though I'm here on earth, it's not my home.
When things aren't perfect, and don't go my way,
I'll keep on doing what I can ...

It gets tiresome, hearing how bad things are.
I'm thankful for all I have today.
I can't change most things, not in any great way,
so I'll do what I can ...

Can you do more? Does crying help?
Stand and scream? Hide on some shelf?
What more can you do? What more can you say?
Try to stay calm. There’s help for today.
I’m confident my God is on the way.
I’ll keep doing what I can …

(You can put those 6 words anywhere you want to, after every line if you want to.)

- by Netagene Kirkpatrick, March 3, 2013 -
