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To be insightful means to intuitively grasp things - an "aha!" moment!

About Me

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I am a member of the church of Christ. I have been writing things since I was little. Some have been printed, some posted. I write to teach or encourage; to blow off steam; and for fun! I had my own motorcycle in my 40s; I was a bluegrass music DJ for about 13 years; I've performed some. I am a member of the NRA. In 2003 (age 59), I became high partial legally blind; in 2005, I had to get hearing aids! Franklin Field said: "Poor eyes limit your sight; poor vision limits your deeds". And no kidding, the picture was made April, 2012!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is mostly a "just checking in" note, in part to see if it will work! What a phone mess I've had for over 2 weeks! The Public Service Commission will get a letter from me later this week, detailing the problems I've had since Thursday, May 27. I THINK they were all fixed today. This was the 4th repairman who's been to my house. When he left at 3 today, everything seems to be working. But if any of you who have gmail and can get to your account and see the sending and subject of each incoming letter, but cannot open it, and have a little pop-up window that states: "Some Gmail features have failed to load due to an internet connectivity problem", please tell me what to do! I've been unable to find anything in the Gmail help section.

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